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JRCA Membership is $75 for the first member of a family (includes a subscription to Cowboy Times); Two or more members (Family Membership) is $150 OR $250 in sponsorship(s).  If you choose to do the $250 of sponsorships in lieu of your 2025 membership fee(s), it is due at the same time membership form is turned in.  No exceptions.


JRCA members must compete in at least 5 regular season rodeos to qualify for the finals.


A contestant will be allowed to enter as a non-member and will be charged a $15.00 per rodeo non-member fee.  There is no restriction on the number of rodeos a contestant can enter as a non-member, however they must complete the Non-Member Release Form and turn in with 

their entry.

All entries must be postmarked by the Friday that is two weeks prior to the rodeo.  

Entries for each rodeo can be dropped into the Entry Box which will be provided at each rodeo or completed online at the link provided below, or they can be mailed to:

                         Cheryl Robinson // PO Box 119 // Umbarger TX 79091

Late entries will be accepted (in secretary’s hands) with a $15 late fee per contestant, the Friday that is one week prior to the rodeo.  All late fees must be paid before a contestant will be allowed to compete.  No entries will be accepted after the deadline.


You may draw out for a full refund for any reason by calling on Monday by noon prior to the rodeo.   After that point, a refund less stock and office charges can be given only with medical  or vet release.


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Official JRCA Rodeo Photographer

Jody Detten - Jody Detten Photography



c/o Cheryl Robinson
PO Box 119
Umbarger, TX 79091

COPYRIGHT JRCA RODEO // elizabethliles

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